Same Day Delivery
Same day delivery? No problem! Emergencies happen on the jobsite. Our priority is to ensure the material you need will be there when you need it. With a fleet of over 18 delivery trucks ready to go at any time, we are there to meet any customer need and demand.
Will Call
We know time is valuable. We are happy to get an order prepared and ready for you so you have little to no wait at Bone Roofing Supply. We are standing by to take any order via email, fax, or phone.
Moffett Delivery
Our truck mounted forklifts (Moffetts) allow our contractors to receive deliveries in the most remote of sites and locations not accessible by many other means. By utilizing a Moffett at the proper locations, material can be brought much closer to the jobsite, saving time and money for our roofers. The Moffett has a lifting capacity of 5500 lbs., all-wheel drive, and the ability to drive across rough terrain.
Rooftop Delivery
Whether it’s a large job or a small one, getting a full set of roofing supplies placed on the roof is a service that we offer to our contractors. Our knuckle cranes can reach buildings of up to 3-stories while in the tightest of spots, while our stick cranes can reach up to 5-stories. Our cranes eliminate the need for the contractor to rent their own cranes at exacerbating rates to meet their needs.
Direct Sales
Direct sales are products shipped by our vendors directly to our customers. We are happy to coordinate direct product orders from our customers to our vendors. Apart from our competition, we offer our trucks, cranes, and moffetts to help our contractor get that material to the roof. Our customer is always our top priority, no matter who is hauling the material.
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